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- 100 goto170
- 110 poke214,23:print:poke198,0
- 120 print"[150] [211][208][193][195][197] [194][193][210] to continue [198]1 to [209]uit ";
- 130 getx$
- 140 ifx$=" "thenprint"[147][146]";:print"[154]":return
- 150 ifx$="[133]"then5620
- 160 goto130
- 170 print"[147]";:poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke53272,23
- 180 print"[150]"
- 190 print" [161][172][187][146][187][172][172][187][146][187][161][146][161] [187][172][146] [188][187][172][146][190] [187][172][146] [172][172][187][146][187][172][172][187][146][187]"
- 200 print" [161][188][190][146][190][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161] [188][188][146][162]"
- 210 print" [161][146][161] [161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161][172][187][172][187][161][146][161]"
- 220 print" [188][190] [162][162][146] [188][162][162][146][190] [162][162][146] [188][190] [162][162][146] [162][162][146] [162][162][146]"
- 230 print" [161][146][161] [172][172][187][146][187][172][172][187][146][187][172][172][187][146][187]"
- 240 print" [187][146][161] [188][188][190][146][161][188][188][190][146][190][188][188][190][146][190]"
- 250 print"[154] [161][146][161] [172][187][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161]"
- 260 print" [188][162][162][146][190] [162][162][146] [162][162][146] [162][162][146]"
- 270 print" [193]n [193]ssessment of [217]our [208]olitical [214]iews"
- 280 print" by [196]r. [196]allace [204]. [205]eehan"
- 290 fori=1to4000:next:print"[147]"chr$(14)
- 300 print"[150] *******************"
- 310 print" * *"
- 320 print" * [208][207][204][201][212][201][195][211][160]1988 *"
- 330 print"[154] * *"
- 340 print" *******************"
- 350 print" [215][200][197][210][197][160][196][207][160][217][207][213][160][211][212][193][206][196][160][207][206][160][212][200][197][160][201][211][211][213][197][211]?"
- 360 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 370 print"[154] [208]olitically speaking, are you a"
- 380 print"[196]emocrat or a [210]epublican? [193]re you a"
- 390 print"liberal or a conservative? [196]o you know?"
- 400 print"[212]he fact is, many, if not most people,"
- 410 print"are liberal on some issues and conserv-"
- 420 print"ative on others."
- 430 gosub110
- 440 print" [208]olitical beliefs are more accurately"
- 450 print"described as existing along a continuum."
- 460 print"[212]hey are seldom as clearly polarized at"
- 470 print"the extreme ends of the political spect-"
- 480 print"rum as a 'two-party' system might sug-"
- 490 print"gest."
- 500 print" [208]arty affiliation not withstanding"
- 510 print"then, how do you really know how you"
- 520 print"stack up in terms of your political be-"
- 530 print"liefs?"
- 540 gosub110
- 550 print" [207]ne way is to evaluate your position"
- 560 print"on the key issues. [212]his program was"
- 570 print"designed to do just that. [194]ased on a"
- 580 print"survey of experts on political polling,"
- 590 print"'[208][207][204][201][212][201][195][211][160]1988' will assess your views"
- 600 print"on several major issues. [212]he overall"
- 610 print"results will then be evaluated in terms"
- 620 print"of where your beliefs fall along the"
- 630 print"political spectrum."
- 640 gosub110
- 650 print" '[208][207][204][201][212][201][195][211][160]1988' can help you choose "
- 660 print"the correct candidate and political "
- 670 print"party consistent with your own beliefs."
- 680 print"[212]he program is also designed to serve as"
- 690 print"a tutorial on the national issues used "
- 700 print"in the survey. "
- 710 gosub110
- 720 print"[150] [211][213][210][214][197][217][160][201][206][211][212][210][213][195][212][201][207][206][211]"
- 730 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192] "
- 740 print"[154][198]ollowing a brief discussion of selected "
- 750 print"political issues you will be presented "
- 760 print"with three possible positions for each. "
- 770 print"[210]ead these carefully. [212]hen enter the "
- 780 print"number corresponding to the position "
- 790 print"which comes closest to your own."
- 800 gosub110
- 810 print" [208]lease note that none of the three"
- 820 print"positions may reflect your view exactly,"
- 830 print"but one of them will certainly come"
- 840 print"closer than the other two. [217]ou must"
- 850 print"enter your choice for each of the issues"
- 860 print"used in the survey. [215]hen all of your"
- 870 print"selections have been made, the computer"
- 880 print"will prepare your political profile."
- 890 gosub110
- 900 print"[150] [212][200][197][160][194][213][196][199][197][212][160][196][197][198][201][195][201][212]"
- 910 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 920 print"[154] [210]onald [210]eagan campaigned for election";
- 930 print"in 1980 as a fierce opponent of taxes"
- 940 print"and wasteful [213].[211]. spending. [201]n 1981 he"
- 950 print"won [195]ongressional approval for major"
- 960 print"cuts in taxes. [200]is idea was to stimul-";
- 970 print"ate the economy by putting more money"
- 980 print"into consumers' hands."
- 990 print" [208]resident [210]eagan also began a mili-"
- 1000 print"tary buildup. [212]he combination of less"
- 1010 print"tax money and increased defense spend-"
- 1020 print"ing fueled a period of massive federal"
- 1030 print"budget deficits. [212]his is the gap be-"
- 1040 print"tween what the government spends and"
- 1050 print"what it earns in taxes. [211]ince 1981 the"
- 1060 print"[213].[211]. budget deficit has averaged more"
- 1070 print"than $181 billion a year."
- 1080 gosub110
- 1090 print" [212]o make up the difference, the gov-"
- 1100 print"ernment has borrowed money -- much of"
- 1110 print"it from foreign investors. [212]he total"
- 1120 print"national debt -- all the money the gov-"
- 1130 print"ernment owes its creditors -- is now"
- 1140 print"more than $2.4 trillion!"
- 1150 print" ($2,400,000,000,000)"
- 1160 print" [198]ederal spending has indeed sparked"
- 1170 print"economic growth, but most economists"
- 1180 print"believe the budget deficits dangerously"
- 1190 print"weaken the economy's long-range health."
- 1200 print"[198]uture generations, they say, may face"
- 1210 print"higher taxes and a lower standard of"
- 1220 print"living in order to pay off this gener-"
- 1230 print"ation's bills."
- 1240 gosub110
- 1250 print" [201]n [207]ctober, 1987, the stock market"
- 1260 print"plunged as alarm over the state of the "
- 1270 print"economy increased. [205]ost economists and"
- 1280 print"business leaders agree that the federal"
- 1290 print"deficit must be reduced. Some want cuts";
- 1300 print"in defense spending, while others feel "
- 1310 print"that social programs should be cut. [193]t"
- 1320 print"the same time, many economists call for"
- 1330 print"a tax increase while others warn that"
- 1340 print"raising taxes would dismay consumers and";
- 1350 print"increase the chance for a serious slump"
- 1360 print"in the economy."
- 1370 print" [215]hich of the following statements"
- 1380 print"most closely reflects your position on"
- 1390 print"this issue?"
- 1400 gosub110
- 1410 print"[150] [212][200][197] [194][213][196][199][197][212] [160][196][197][198][201][195][201][212]"
- 1420 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]";
- 1430 print"[154][192][192] 1. [195]ut some social programs and some ";
- 1440 print" defense projects, and raise taxes."
- 1450 print"[192][192] 2. [196]o not raise taxes or cut military";
- 1460 print" spending. [201]nstead, cut wasteful ";
- 1470 print" or ineffective social programs."
- 1480 print"[192][192] 3. [211]lash wasteful defense projects"
- 1490 print" rather than social programs."
- 1500 print" [195]onsider a tax increase."
- 1510 print"[150] ([197]nter the number of your choice) ";
- 1520 geta$:ifa$=""then1520
- 1530 a=val(a$):ifa<1ora>3then1520
- 1540 ifa=1thenx=2
- 1550 ifa=2thenx=1
- 1560 ifa=3thenx=3
- 1570 print"[147] [160][160][197][160][196][160][213][160][195][160][193][160][212] [201] [207] [206]"
- 1580 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 1590 print"[154] [196]uring the past year two best selling";
- 1600 print"books -- [193]llan [194]loom's '[212]he [195]losing of"
- 1610 print"the [193]merican [205]ind' and [197].[196]. [200]irsch's"
- 1620 print"'[195]ultural [204]iteracy' -- fueled a heated"
- 1630 print"debate over the declining quality of"
- 1640 print"[193]merican education. [193]merican students,"
- 1650 print"according to these authors and many"
- 1660 print"other experts on education, know embar-"
- 1670 print"rasingly little. [194]loom and [200]irsch both"
- 1680 print"argue that students are not learning the";
- 1690 print"basic ideas, values, and traditions that";
- 1700 print"form the core of [215]estern civilization."
- 1710 print"Most studies seem to support that rather";
- 1720 print"pessimistic view. [193]lthough we spent a"
- 1730 print"record $308 billion on education last"
- 1740 print"year, experts continue to give [213].[211]"
- 1750 print"schools failing grades."
- 1760 gosub110
- 1770 print" [201]n a test of some 8,000 17-year-old "
- 1780 print"students, for example, less than a third";
- 1790 print"knew within which half century the [193]mer-";
- 1800 print"ican [195]ivil [215]ar occurred. [211]ome [193]merican"
- 1810 print"college students were not even able to "
- 1820 print"locate the United States on a world map!";
- 1830 print" [197]xperts warn that if our educational"
- 1840 print"system is not improved quickly, our"
- 1850 print"nation will continue to fall behind in"
- 1860 print"our ability to compete with other nat-"
- 1870 print"ions such as [202]apan and [215]est [199]ermany."
- 1880 print" [215]hich of the following statements"
- 1890 print"most closely reflects your positiion on"
- 1900 print"this issue?"
- 1910 gosub110
- 1920 print"[150] [197][160][196][160][213][160][195][160][193][160][212] [201][160][207][160][206]"
- 1930 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 1940 print"[154]";
- 1950 print"[154][192][192] 1. [208]rovide tax credits for tuition"
- 1960 print" and explore other financial ways"
- 1970 print" to help parents send children to"
- 1980 print" the schools of their choice."
- 1990 print"[192][192] 2. [196]emand good performance from"
- 2000 print" schools by rewarding districts"
- 2010 print" that show improvement. [208]rovide"
- 2020 print" merit pay for good teachers."
- 2030 print"[192][192] 3. [201]ncrease federal funding for"
- 2040 print" programs to prevent drop-outs and"
- 2050 print" to help the disadvantaged pay for"
- 2060 print" college."
- 2070 print"[150] ([197]nter the number of your choice)"
- 2080 getb$:ifb$=""then2080
- 2090 b=val(b$):ifb<1ora>3then2080
- 2100 x=x+b
- 2110 print"[147][150] [198][207][210][197][201][199][206][160][212][210][193][196][197]"
- 2120 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 2130 print"[154] [212]he budget deficit discussed earlier,";
- 2140 print"has triggered another problem: a trade"
- 2150 print"deficit. The United States has borrowed";
- 2160 print"much of the money needed to finance its"
- 2170 print"budget deficits by selling bonds to for-";
- 2180 print"eign investors. [212]o get dollars, these"
- 2190 print"foreign investors buy them on the inter-";
- 2200 print"national money market. [193]s demand for"
- 2210 print"dollars goes up, so does its value com-"
- 2220 print"pared to other nations' currencies."
- 2230 print"With a 'strong' or highly-valued dollar,";
- 2240 print"[193]mericans buy more foreign products."
- 2250 print"[193]merican products however, become more"
- 2260 print"expensive to foreign consumers. [193]s a"
- 2270 print"result, the U.S. imports more goods than";
- 2280 print"it exports."
- 2290 gosub110
- 2300 print" [201]n 1987 the [213].[211]. trade deficit"
- 2310 print"reached an all time annual high of more"
- 2320 print"than $156 billion."
- 2330 print" [195]ongress has debated laws to solve"
- 2340 print"the problem. [207]ne of the proposals, by"
- 2350 print"[210]ep. [210]ichard [199]ephardt, calls for auto-"
- 2360 print"matic trade retaliation toward nations"
- 2370 print"that keep out [213].[211]. products. [207]n the"
- 2380 print"other hand, [208]resident [210]eagan and others"
- 2390 print"favor 'free trade' -- a free flow of"
- 2400 print"goods and services across international"
- 2410 print"borders. [212]rade restrictions, they say,"
- 2420 print"only trigger retaliations."
- 2430 print" [215]hich of the following statements"
- 2440 print"most closely reflects your position on"
- 2450 print"this issue?"
- 2460 gosub110
- 2470 print"[150] [198][207][210][197][201][199][206][160][212][210][193][196][197]"
- 2480 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 2490 print"[154][192][192] 1. [210]etaliate against nations which"
- 2500 print" maintain unfair trade barriers."
- 2510 print"[192][192] 2. [197]stablish trade tariffs and other"
- 2520 print" restrictions to protect struggling";
- 2530 print" [213].[211]. industries."
- 2540 print"[192][192] 3. [197]ncourage free trade. [210]etaliation";
- 2550 print" triggers trade wars which will"
- 2560 print" only serve to make the problem"
- 2570 print" worse."
- 2580 print"[150] ([197]nter the number of your choice)"
- 2590 getc$:ifc$=""then2590
- 2600 c=val(c$):ifc<1orc>3then2590
- 2610 ifc=1thenx=x+3
- 2620 ifc=2thenx=x+2
- 2630 ifc=3thenx=x+1
- 2640 print"[147][150] [196][160][210][160][213][160][199][160][160][193][160][194][160][213][160][211][160][197]"
- 2650 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 2660 print"[154] [208]ublic opinion polls show that both"
- 2670 print"parents and students agree that drug"
- 2680 print"abuse is the number one problem in our"
- 2690 print"schools. [201]t is also a growing problem"
- 2700 print"for our society at large. [206]ot only has"
- 2710 print"it ruined millions of individual lives,"
- 2720 print"it is also a costly burden in terms of"
- 2730 print"reduced job productivity, medical bills,";
- 2740 print"and crime."
- 2750 print" [193]mericans have called for a host of"
- 2760 print"solutions to solve the drug problem."
- 2770 print"[211]ome favor stiffer laws against people"
- 2780 print"who sell or are caught using drugs. One";
- 2790 print"proposal would require life sentences"
- 2800 print"for twice convicted dealers of drugs."
- 2810 gosub110
- 2820 print" [193]nother proposal would impose the"
- 2830 print"death penalty on dealers when a murder"
- 2840 print"occurs during a drug deal."
- 2850 print" [207]thers insist stiffer laws don't get"
- 2860 print"at the root of the problem -- why people";
- 2870 print"turn to drugs in the first place. [212]hey"
- 2880 print"favor drug education and counseling to"
- 2890 print"eliminate the need for drugs."
- 2900 print" [205]ore and more businesses are requir-"
- 2910 print"ing their workers to undergo drug test-"
- 2920 print"ing. [198]ormer presidential candidate"
- 2930 print"[208]ierre [196]u [208]ont favors testing all teen-"
- 2940 print"agers to keep schools drug-free. [205]any "
- 2950 print"people however, believe drug testing an"
- 2960 print"invasion of an individual's privacy."
- 2970 print" [215]hich of the following statements"
- 2980 print"most closely reflects your position?"
- 2990 print"";
- 3000 gosub110
- 3010 print"[150] [196][160][210][160][213][160][199][160] [193][160][194][160][213][160][211][160][197]"
- 3020 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 3030 print"[154]";
- 3040 print"[154][192][192] 1. [205]andatory drug testing is needed"
- 3050 print" in both the workplace and schools.";
- 3060 print" [204]ife sentences for dealers and"
- 3070 print" stiffer punishment for those"
- 3080 print" guilty of abuse are necessary."
- 3090 print"[192][192] 2. [207]nly people in sensitive positions";
- 3100 print" should be tested -- pilots, the"
- 3110 print" police, nuclear power plant"
- 3120 print" workers, etc. [212]hose found to be "
- 3130 print" users should be helped."
- 3140 print"[192][192] 3. [205]andatory drug testing violates an";
- 3150 print" individuals's right to privacy and";
- 3160 print" should not be allowed. [195]ounseling";
- 3170 print" and education is more effective."
- 3180 print"[150] ([197]nter the number of your choice)";
- 3190 getd$:ifd$=""then3190
- 3200 d=val(d$):ifd<1ord>3then3190
- 3210 x=x+d
- 3220 print"[147] [211][207][214][201][197][212]-[193][205][197][210][201][195][193][206][160][210][197][204][193][212][201][207][206][211] "
- 3230 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 3240 print"[154] [201]n [196]ecember, 1987, [211]oviet leader"
- 3250 print"Mikhail Gorbachev came to Washington for";
- 3260 print"his third summit meeting with [208]resident"
- 3270 print"[210]eagan. [212]he two leaders signed the [201][206][198]"
- 3280 print"([201]ntermediate [206]uclear [198]orces) [212]reaty,"
- 3290 print"which will eliminate both sides' medium-";
- 3300 print"range missiles. [194]oth sides hope to be"
- 3310 print"able to agree on more significant cuts"
- 3320 print"in long-range nuclear missiles soon."
- 3330 print" [196]espite increased cooperation, some"
- 3340 print"glaring problems remain. [212]he [211]oviets"
- 3350 print"want the [213]nited [211]tates to stop testing"
- 3360 print"its [211]trategic [196]efense [201]nitiative ([211][196][201]),"
- 3370 print"the high-tech research project that is"
- 3380 print"meant to develop a space-based defense"
- 3390 print"system."
- 3400 gosub110
- 3410 print" [213].[211]. critics of [211][196][201] say that the"
- 3420 print"plan is unworkable and too costly, and"
- 3430 print"have dubbed the effort '[211]tar [215]ars.'"
- 3440 print" [193]merican negotiators want the [211]oviets";
- 3450 print"to cut back on their massive array of"
- 3460 print"conventional, or non-nuclear, forces in ";
- 3470 print"[197]astern [197]urope. [212]he [213]nited [211]tates also"
- 3480 print"continues to pressure the Soviets to end";
- 3490 print"their nine-year-long occupation of"
- 3500 print"[193]fghanistan."
- 3510 print" [215]hich of the following statements"
- 3520 print"most closely reflects your position on"
- 3530 print"this issue?"
- 3540 gosub110
- 3550 print"[150][146] [211][207][214][201][197][212]-[193][205][197][210][201][195][193][206][160][210][197][204][193][212][201][207][206][211]"
- 3560 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 3570 print"[154][192][192] 1. [212]rust the [211]oviets to keep their"
- 3580 print" agreements -- [193]rms reductions are"
- 3590 print" in their interest too. [193]bandon"
- 3600 print" [211]tar [215]ars as a waste of money."
- 3610 print"[192][192] 2. [196]on't trust the [211]oviets. [198]orget"
- 3620 print" arms negotiations. [195]ontinue [211][196][201]"
- 3630 print" and deploy when ready."
- 3640 print"[192][192] 3. [194]e wary of the [211]oviets, but con-"
- 3650 print" tinue negotiations. [195]ontinue [211][196][201]"
- 3660 print" research, but delay deployment if"
- 3670 print" the [211]oviets appear sincere in arms";
- 3680 print" negotiations."
- 3690 print"[150] ([211]elect the number of your choice)"
- 3700 gete$:ife$=""then3700
- 3710 e=val(e$):ife<1ore>3then3700
- 3720 ife=1thenx=x+3
- 3730 ife=2thenx=x+1
- 3740 ife=3thenx=x+2
- 3750 print"[147] [212][200][197][160][198][201][199][200][212][160][193][199][193][201][206][211][212][160][193][201][196][211]"
- 3760 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 3770 print"[154] [212]he spread of the [193][201][196][211][160]virus is one"
- 3780 print"of the most serious public health crises";
- 3790 print"to afflict the nation in recent memory."
- 3800 print"More than 43,000 cases resulting in more";
- 3810 print"than 26,000 deaths have been reported"
- 3820 print"since 1981. [201]f the epidemic continues"
- 3830 print"to spread at its current rate, experts"
- 3840 print"say, by the end of 1991 over 270,000"
- 3850 print"[193]mericans will be infected with the"
- 3860 print"virus that causes [193][201][196][211]."
- 3870 print" [193] fatal disease that attacks the"
- 3880 print"immune system, [193][201][196][211] is contracted in"
- 3890 print"three main ways:"
- 3900 print" (a) through sexual contact with an"
- 3910 print"infected person;"
- 3920 gosub110
- 3930 print" (b) from sharing hypodermic needles "
- 3940 print"with an infected person; and"
- 3950 print" (c) before or during birth, from an"
- 3960 print"[193][201][196][211]-infected mother."
- 3970 print" [212]he [193][201][196][211] virus cannot be spread by"
- 3980 print"casual contact. So far, the vast major-";
- 3990 print"ity of [213].[211]. [193][201][196][211] victims have been"
- 4000 print"homosexuals or drug addicts. [194]ut many"
- 4010 print"experts believe it may be only a matter"
- 4020 print"of time before the [193][201][196][211][160]virus spreads"
- 4030 print"to other groups. [211]ome predict that the"
- 4040 print"next major group to be afflicted with"
- 4050 print"[193][201][196][211] are young teenagers."
- 4060 print" [212]he government faces two challenges."
- 4070 print"[198]irst, to help those who have [193][201][196][211] or"
- 4080 print"are infected with the [193][201][196][211] virus."
- 4090 print"[211]econd, to prevent the epidemic from"
- 4100 print"spreading."
- 4110 gosub110
- 4120 print" [215]hile spending on [193][201][196][211][160]research and"
- 4130 print"medical aid has increased, some have"
- 4140 print"called for widespread testing to find"
- 4150 print"out just who has [193][201][196][211] or are carrying"
- 4160 print"the [193][201][196][211][160]virus. [207]thers argue that"
- 4170 print"forced testing for [193][201][196][211] violates indi-"
- 4180 print"viduals' privacy and exposes those who"
- 4190 print"test positively to discrimination."
- 4200 print" [215]hich of the following statements"
- 4210 print"most closely reflects your position on"
- 4220 print"this issue?"
- 4230 gosub110
- 4240 print"[150] [212][200][197][160][198][201][199][200][212][160][193][199][193][201][206][211][212][160][193][201][196][211]"
- 4250 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 4260 print"[154][192][192] 1. [212]est only prisoners, immigrants,"
- 4270 print" and people about to be married."
- 4280 print"[192][192] 2. [195]ompulsory testing for [193][201][196][211] is"
- 4290 print" impractical and violates privacy"
- 4300 print" of the individual. [195]oncentrate"
- 4310 print" on education about the disease"
- 4320 print" and helping those who have it."
- 4330 print"[192][192] 3. [193]ids is a serious danger to our"
- 4340 print" society. [197]veryone should be"
- 4350 print" tested, and those with [193][201][196][211]"
- 4360 print" should be quarantined."
- 4370 print"[150] ([211]elect the number of your choice)"
- 4380 getf$:iff$=""then4380
- 4390 f=val(f$):iff<1orf>3then4380
- 4400 iff=1thenx=x+2
- 4410 iff=2thenx=x+3
- 4420 iff=3thenx=x+1
- 4430 print"[147] [213].[211]. [208][207][204][201][195][217][160][201][206][160][195][197][206][212][210][193][204][160][193][205][197][210][201][195][193]"
- 4440 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 4450 print"[154] [212]hroughout our history, the [213]nited"
- 4460 print"[211]tates has taken a keen interest in"
- 4470 print"Central America. In this century alone,";
- 4480 print"the U.S. has repeatedly sent troops into";
- 4490 print"nations in the region to quell unrest"
- 4500 print"and to protect [213].[211]. business interests."
- 4510 print" [212]he focus of current controversy is"
- 4520 print"[213].[211]. opposition to the [211]andinista"
- 4530 print"leaders of [206]icaragua, a nation of 3.3"
- 4540 print"million people."
- 4550 print" [201]n 1979, the [211]andinistas led a pop-"
- 4560 print"ular revolt which toppled a dictatorship";
- 4570 print"that had lasted some 40 years. At first,";
- 4580 print"the United States aided the Sandinistas.";
- 4590 gosub110
- 4600 print" [194]ut the [211]andinistas also turned to"
- 4610 print"the [211]oviet [213]nion and [195]uba for support."
- 4620 print"In response, President Reagan has backed";
- 4630 print"anti-[211]andinista rebels known as the"
- 4640 print"[195]ontras. [208]resident [210]eagan accuses the"
- 4650 print"[211]andinistas of aiding leftist rebels"
- 4660 print"fighting the governments of [197]l [211]alvador"
- 4670 print"and [199]uatemala."
- 4680 print" [200]e calls the [195]ontras 'freedom fight-"
- 4690 print"ers'. [205]any [193]mericans however, say that"
- 4700 print"the [213].[211]. has no right to meddle in the"
- 4710 print"region's affairs."
- 4720 print" [215]hich of the following statements"
- 4730 print"most closely reflects your position on"
- 4740 print"this issue?"
- 4750 gosub110
- 4760 print"[150] [213].[211]. [208][207][204][201][195][217][160][201][206][160][195][197][206][212][210][193][204][160][193][205][197][210][201][195][193]"
- 4770 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 4780 print"[154][192][192] 1. [208]rovide the [195]ontras whatever"
- 4790 print" military support is necessary to"
- 4800 print" enable them to topple the [211]andin-"
- 4810 print" ista government."
- 4820 ifg=1thenx=x+1:ifg=2thenx=x+3:ifg=3thenx=x+2
- 4830 print"[192][192] 2. [211]top supporting the [195]ontras. [199]ive";
- 4840 print" peace a chance to work out in the"
- 4850 print" region without [213].[211]. involvement."
- 4860 print"[192][192] 3. [194]ack negotiations, but continue"
- 4870 print" support to the [195]ontras to force"
- 4880 print" the [211]andinistas to bargain in good";
- 4890 print" faith."
- 4900 print"[150] ([211]elect the number of your choice)"
- 4910 getg$:ifg$=""then4910
- 4920 g=val(g$):ifg<1org>3then4910
- 4930 ifg=1thenx=x+1
- 4940 ifg=2thenx=x+3
- 4950 ifg=3thenx=x+2
- 4960 print"[147][150] *******************************"
- 4970 print" * *"
- 4980 print" * [217][207][213][210][160][208][207][204][201][212][201][195][193][204][160][208][210][207][198][201][204][197] *"
- 4990 print"[154] * *"
- 5000 print" *******************************"
- 5010 fort=1to2000:next
- 5020 print" (analyzing survey results ..."
- 5030 print" please standby ...)"
- 5040 fori=1to5000:next
- 5050 ifx=7then5880
- 5060 ifx>7andx<10then6200
- 5070 ifx=14then6500
- 5080 ifx>18andx<21then6350
- 5090 ifx=21then6040
- 5100 ifx>14andx<19then5700
- 5110 print"[147] [194]ased on the statements you selected"
- 5120 print"concerning the issues in the survey,"
- 5130 print"your political profile is ..."
- 5140 print" ***************************"
- 5150 print" * *"
- 5160 print" * *"
- 5170 print"[150] * [205][193][201][206][211][212][210][197][193][205][160][210][197][208][213][194][204][201][195][193][206] *"
- 5180 print" * *"
- 5190 print" * *"
- 5200 print" ***************************"
- 5210 print"[154] [215]hile your views are conservative on"
- 5220 print"some issues and moderate or even liberal";
- 5230 print"on others, your overall views place you"
- 5240 print"within the [210]epublican, or moderately"
- 5250 print"conservative sector of the [193]merican"
- 5260 print"political spectrum."
- 5270 gosub5640
- 5280 print"[160][160][160][160][160][160][160][160][160][160][195][207][206][195][204][213][196][201][206][199][160][212][200][207][213][199][200][212][211]"
- 5290 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]";
- 5300 print"[154] [212]he purpose of [208][207][204][201][212][201][195][211][160]1988 was to"
- 5310 print"raise your level of awareness -- your"
- 5320 print"awareness of important political issues,"
- 5330 print"[193]merican political thought, and most"
- 5340 print"importantly, of your own political"
- 5350 print"beliefs. [212]he survey was designed to"
- 5360 print"identify seven distinct political"
- 5370 print"profiles ranging from '[197]xtreme [204]iberal'"
- 5380 print"to '[213]ltra [195]onservative.'"
- 5390 gosub5640
- 5400 print"[154] [217]ou should be aware however, that"
- 5410 print"one's political profile can and usually"
- 5420 print"does change over time. [211]uch things as"
- 5430 print"education and socio-economic status"
- 5440 print"also affect political views. [212]herefore"
- 5450 print"you may wish to take the survey again at"
- 5460 print"some future time. [217]ou may also find it"
- 5470 print"interesting to have members of your"
- 5480 print"family and close friends participate in"
- 5490 print"the survey."
- 5500 gosub5640
- 5510 print" [208][160][207][160][204][160][201][160][212][160][201][160][195][160][211][160][160]1 9 8 8"
- 5520 print"[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 5530 print"[154] by:"
- 5540 print" [196]r. [196]allace [204]. [205]eehan"
- 5550 print" 3254 [195]overed [194]ridge [196]rive"
- 5560 print" [205]ontgomery, [193]labama 36116"
- 5570 print" (205) 272-3892"
- 5580 print" [208]ress [193] to run the program again."
- 5590 print" [193]ny other key quits."
- 5600 getz$:ifz$=""then5600
- 5610 ifz$="a"orz$="[193]"then100
- 5620 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er%:close15
- 5630 ifer%<>63thenend
- 5635 load"hello connect",8
- 5640 print"";:print"";
- 5650 print"[150]";
- 5660 print" [211]pace bar to [195]ontinue[146] ";
- 5670 getm$:ifm$=""then5670
- 5680 print"[147]";
- 5690 return
- 5700 print"[147][154] [194]ased on the statements you selected"
- 5710 print"concerning the issues discussed in the"
- 5720 print"survey, your political profile is ..."
- 5730 print" ***************************"
- 5740 print" * *"
- 5750 print" * *"
- 5760 print"[150] * [205][193][201][206][211][212][210][197][193][205][160][196][197][205][207][195][210][193][212] *"
- 5770 print" * *"
- 5780 print" * *"
- 5790 print" ***************************"
- 5800 print"[154] [215]hile your views are liberal on some"
- 5810 print"issues and moderate or even conservative";
- 5820 print"on others, your overall views place you"
- 5830 print"within the [196]emocratic or moderately"
- 5840 print"liberal sector of the American political";
- 5850 print"spectrum."
- 5860 gosub5640
- 5870 print"[147]":goto5280
- 5880 print"[147] [194]ased on the statements you selected"
- 5890 print"concerning the issues in the survey,"
- 5900 print"your political profile is ..."
- 5910 print" ***********************************"
- 5920 print" * *"
- 5930 print" * *"
- 5940 print"[150] * [213][204][212][210][193][160][195][207][206][211][197][210][214][193][212][201][214][197][160][210][197][208][213][194][204][201][195][193][206] *"
- 5950 print" * *"
- 5960 print" * *"
- 5970 print" ***********************************"
- 5980 print"[154] [217]our political views are completely"
- 5990 print"and consistently conservative on all the";
- 6000 print"issues. [212]his places you on the extreme"
- 6010 print"right of [193]merican political thought."
- 6020 gosub5640
- 6030 print"[147]":goto5280
- 6040 print"[147][154] [194]ased on the statements you selected"
- 6050 print"concerning the issues discussed in the"
- 6060 print"survey, your political profile is ..."
- 6070 print" ********************************"
- 6080 print" * *"
- 6090 print" * *"
- 6100 print"[150] * [197][216][212][210][197][205][197][160][204][201][194][197][210][193][204][160][196][197][205][207][195][210][193][212] *"
- 6110 print" * *"
- 6120 print" * *"
- 6130 print" ********************************"
- 6140 print"[154] [217]our political views are completely"
- 6150 print"and consistently liberal on all issues."
- 6160 print"[212]his places you at the extreme left of"
- 6170 print"the [193]merican political spectrum."
- 6180 gosub5640
- 6190 print"[147]":goto5280
- 6200 print"[147] [194]ased on the statements you selected"
- 6210 print"concerning the issues discussed in the"
- 6220 print"survey, your political profile is ..."
- 6230 print" ****************************"
- 6240 print" * *"
- 6250 print" * *"
- 6260 print"[150] * [211][212][193][213][206][195][200][160][210][197][208][213][194][204][201][195][193][206] *"
- 6270 print" * *"
- 6280 print" * *"
- 6290 print" ****************************"
- 6300 print"[154] [217]our political views are strongly"
- 6310 print"conservative. [212]hey place you within"
- 6320 print"the right wing of the [210]epublican [208]arty."
- 6330 gosub5640
- 6340 print"[147]":goto5280
- 6350 print"[147][154] [194]ased on the statements you selected"
- 6360 print"concerning the issues in the survey,"
- 6370 print"your political profile is ..."
- 6380 print" **************************"
- 6390 print" * *"
- 6400 print" * *"
- 6410 print"[150] * [211][212][193][213][206][195][200][160][196][197][205][207][195][210][193][212] *"
- 6420 print" * *"
- 6430 print" * *"
- 6440 print" **************************"
- 6450 print"[154] [217]our political views are strongly"
- 6460 print"liberal. [212]hey place you within the"
- 6470 print"liberal wing of the [196]emocratic [208]arty."
- 6480 gosub5640
- 6490 print"[147]":goto5280
- 6500 print"[147][154] [194]ased on the statements you selected"
- 6510 print"concerning the issues discussed in the"
- 6520 print"survey, your political profile is ..."
- 6530 print" *************************************"
- 6540 print" * *"
- 6550 print"[150] * [206][197][201][212][200][197][210][160][210][197][208][213][194][204][201][195][193][206][160][206][207][210][160][196][197][205][207][195][210][193][212] *"
- 6560 print" * *"
- 6570 print" *************************************"
- 6580 print"[154] [197]ither you have a moderate view on"
- 6590 print"all issues, or your liberal tendencies"
- 6600 print"exactly balance your conservative ones."
- 6610 print"[217]ou should not allow party affiliation"
- 6620 print"to sway your vote. Judge each candidate";
- 6630 print"on his or her own merits and not on the"
- 6640 print"party he or she represents."
- 6650 gosub5640
- 6660 print"[147]":goto5280